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  • candidcoloradomomm

Lamenting on 10 months...

I stared at the pictures, my little girl, still so little yet so big at the same time. How can a little human do so much changing and growing, and seem so big, even when they're still only 2 feet tall?

For the first time I feel a pang of sadness as I realize that in only a few more short months, my little girl will be one. Her little giggles and chatter that has yet to gain meaning, will soon turn to words and sentences, and her unsure steps along the wall will soon turn to the pitter patter of running feet down the hallway. As she lays on my lap during her mid morning nap, I can't help but notice the way her head rests on my chest and her feet almost reach my knees. How did my little bundle, who once was so small that it seemed that my one arm was too big to hold her, get big enough to fill my entire lap? How did the little one who used to sleep half her day away suddenly become a bright bumbling little girl who doesn't even want to nap for longer then an hour?

I find so much joy in the milestones, in the changes and growing; a peace in her newfound independence at times, and yet I still find that grain of sadness in knowing that she will never be this little again.

So yes, while I look forward to being able to take a shower, without having to wait till she's asleep or her daddy is home, and I will enjoy when she can properly feed herself without getting half of it on the floor- I understand why people say to not take this time for granted. Becase even with the sleepless nights, and the tears, and the times where you miss out becuase you are taking care of a little one- being 'Momma' makes it all worth it.

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